Daily Announcements 8/25/2021
This is the list of this year’s officers and student council members:
Class of 2023:
President: Karly Puckett
VP: Jason Holtzman
Treasurer: Elijah Taylor
Secretary: Audrey Keeley
Sgt of Arms: Julia Smith
Student Council: Elizabeth Croy, Kelsie Gaddis, Caden Landis, Ivon Padilla, Tyler Paine, Joey Ullom
Class of 2024:
President: Ariana Poe
VP: Eli Chamberlain
Treasurer: Katie Osbourne
Secretary: Wyatt Burris
Sgt of Arms: Colton West
Student Council: Ava Pohl, Maggie Haney, Jozie Campbell, Macie Parker, Jarah Smith, Addison Coe
Class of 2025
President: Addison Puckett
VP: Zoeigh Campbell
Treasurer: Kaity Craig
Secretary: Nadine Crawford
Sgt of Arms: Jerimiah Ullom
Student Council: Kimber Asher, Reagan Duren, Maleigh Ervin, Patrick Geary, Carli Hunt, Sydney Patterson
The Monroe Central Scholarship Fund has an online Spiritwear Store open now until Sunday, August 29th. See Mrs. Swift in Student Services for more information. Student Services also has MC Gear in stock as well, such as Cinch Sacks, Hats, Visors, T-shirts, Chromebook Cases, and more! Don’t miss out on great deals on MC Gear!
Attention Seniors – We are starting a new tradition here at MC for any senior interested in participating. Seniors will have the opportunity to paint a ceiling tile that will hang in the senior hallway for the 2021-22 school year. At the end of the year, you will have the option of taking it with you. It’s not a requirement, but a way for you to “make your mark” during your senior year. Of course, tiles will have to be school appropriate before we will hang them up. We will have a ceiling tile painting session on Monday, August 30th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the art room. Depending on interest, we may have additional painting sessions in the future, but if you really interested
Louie’s Tux Shop will be hosting their 9th annual statewide Model Search beginning on Wednesday, September 1, 2021. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to win a $1000 scholarship. See the posters around school or see Mrs. Swift in Student Services for more information. (8/27)
Attention All Students: It’s time to start practicing your smiles! School picture day is tomorrow. If you haven’t gotten package forms yet, you can get one from the main office or from your English teacher. Please be sure to give the forms to your parents, and remember, EVERYONE, even Seniors, will get pictures taken for the yearbook, even if you DON’T want to purchase a picture package. See Ms. Barton in room 108 if you have any questions.
The Girls Golf team was defeated by Yorktown 215-199. The girls shot their best team score of the year. Carli Hunt shot her personal best and Ariana Poe tied her best. MC scores:
Maleigh Ervin: 53
Lydia Price: 48
Carol Anne Kritsch: 57
Audrey Stoops: 62
Carli Hunt: 57
Ariana Poe: 58
The MC Bears will play again on Saturday at Maplewood for the MEC championship.
Sport Events
Canceled – Varsity Girls Golf @ Hagerstown – 4:30pm
JV/V Cross Country @ Pendleton Arabian Roundup – 6pm
JV/V Volleyball vs. Union @ MC – 6pm
Lunch Menu
VL Day – No Lunch