Daily Announcements 9/22/2021
Congratulations to Molly Greer, Kristin Northcutt, and Caleb Snyder for being selected for the Top 10 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Program!
All 8th graders and Freshmen going on the Washington DC trip, be sure to sign up for rooms for the trip. You must choose 3 other roommates or they will be assigned for you. Please see the message on Schoology to sign up.
All student drivers are required to have a parking pass and updated driver information in the office. If you have not filled out a new form or need a parking pass please be sure to pick one up in the office. There is a form that needs to be filled out and signed and the cost of a pass is $5.
Students who do not have parking passes could have discipline or parking privileges revoked!
Student Drivers must have a pass by Friday, October 1.
Here are the dress up days for Harvest Homecoming week:
Thursday – Jersey Day
Friday – Brown and Gold Day
All high school students are invited to the Harvest Semi-Formal dance! The dance will be Saturday, September 25th, 8pm-11pm. The cost of tickets will be $15 for couples and $8 for a single. Tickets will be sold during A and D lunch through Friday September 24th. Tickets will also be sold at the door. If a student from another school will be attending, please pick up a dance request form from the office. Come out and have a great time!
Juniors and Seniors!
Monroe Central is excited to collaborate with Randolph County United for a Career Fair on Tuesday, Sept 28th. This event is open to any Junior or Seniors interested in looking for a part-time job, full-time job, internship, making connections for summer jobs, or simply learning more about a career. Students, if you are thinking about 2-year college, 4-year college, or going straight to the workforce, we want to invite you. Another benefit is that Ivy Tech will be at the Career Fair with their Program Directors from Agriculture, Greenhouse, Nursing, and Manufacturing. Here is a list of the employers that will be at the Career Fair:
Cobalt Civil LLC
Culy Contracting
Apex Ag Solutions
Frank Miller Lumber
SilverTowne Mint
Wilbert Caskets
Tarter Realty
Ivy Tech College of Agriculture
Ivy Tech College of Nursing
Ivy Tech College of Advanced Manufacturing
Ivy Tech College of Construction
Winchester Fire Department
Winchester EMT/Ambulance
EDP Renewable Energy
Randolph County Sheriff’s Department
Indiana State Police
Carvantage Used Car Sales, Service Shop and Repair
PJ’s Cosmetology School
Randolph Nursing and Rehabilitation
Jay Randolph Developmental Services
Eastern Indiana Works/ASG Inc.
Winchester Street and Parks Department
Working on more!!!
Seniors enrolled in Career Explorer, also known as “ICE,” will be required to attend this event for your course curriculum. Please pick up a study trip form in Student Services. All other juniors and seniors, if interested in going, please pick up a study trip form in Student Services and return to Student Services. This is an opportunity only offered once per year, so please take advantage of it now! The bus will leave Monroe Central at 9:30 AM, students will be at the Career Fair at the Randolph County Fairground from 10 AM to 11 AM, and return to Monroe Central at 11:30 AM. Forms are due back to Student Services by Friday, September 24th. Questions see Mrs. Taylor or Mrs. Moran.
Sport Events
JH Volleyball @ Selma – 5pm
JV/V Volleyball @ Wapahani – 6pm
Lunch Menu
Salisbury Steak / Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Fresh Veggies
Fruit & Milk