Daily Announcements 08/11/2022
If you are interested in the Cardinal United Soccer team please pick up a flier in the office.
Coffee in the Library – Available to Grades 9-12: High School students may come in before first hour, during lunch with permission, and before LITE period. Please make sure your teacher has given you permission to bring your beverage to class. You must use cups/lids provided by the library. No other containers may be used. You may stop by once during the school day…not for repeated visits as we want supplies to be available to as many as possible.
***This is not available to junior high students.
The Marauder’s Reading Club: Any junior high student interested in joining reading club may stop by and see Mrs. Landis in the library or use the following link to join. See the flyers in the junior high hallway for a bit more info!
Class Meetings: Class meetings will be held next Monday and Tuesday during LITE.
Monday meetings will be held each lunch in the following order: Grade 11, 9, and 7. Tuesday meetings will be: Grades 12, 10, and 8.
All MACC and Career Explorer students: Please be sure to attend your LITE period before leaving school for the PM MACC or your career program. Also, students returning from the AM MACC or career sessions will be required to attend LITE period and be back at the school by the start of LITE at 11:14 AM. Attendance will be taken during this time and you are responsible for checking in with your LITE teacher daily.
Parking Pass Information:
If you are a new driver or have a different vehicle than last year please be sure to fill out a parking information form that can be found in the office. All new drivers will be required to have a parking pass for their vehicles and these cost $5. Students must have a parking pass if they drive to school. No exceptions.
Sport Events
Girls Varsity Golf @ Centerville – 5pm
Lunch Menu
California Blend Veggies
Fresh Veggies
Fruit & Milk