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Daily Announcements 8/17/2023

Book Club Update: High School & Jr HIgh book club members please check Schoology Bookclub Groups for new information! Anyone wishing to join one of our book clubs please submit your registration form to Mrs. Landis by Thursday, August 31st. Thanks!

Students grades 9-12 interested in running for either class officers or student council members need to send a schoology message to Mrs. Van Pelt or one of their class sponsors by Wednesday August 23. We will do the voting after that.

MCCTA is still selling beef sticks before school and after school in the junior high and high school hallways (outside room 110) and in Mrs. Van Pelt’s room.

School Picture Day is scheduled for Thursday, August 24th. Order forms will be distributed in each English class. Please bring the completed envelope on Picture Day if you wish to purchase. All students will have their picture taken on that day for the yearbook regardless of purchase decision. For any questions or replacement envelopes, please see Mr. Sims.

Sport Events
JV/V Volleyball @ Muncie Burris – 6pm

Lunch Menu

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