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Bear Daily Announcements 03/14/2025

Join us on March 17th, 7:00pm at Monroe Central High School for Donkey Basketball!! 

Game 1 – Parker Fire Dept vs. Farmland Fire Dept

Game 2 – Monroe Central Staff vs. Monroe Central High School Boys & Girls Basketball players

Game 3 – Championship game

Presale tickets will be available in the high school office from March 3rd-14th for $9. Tickets at the door will be $13. Preschool age and under are free. You can also purchase online advance tickets until March 17th @ 6pm by clicking on the following link: 

MC is hosting a skating party at Gibson Skating Rink on Tuesday, March 18th from 6pm-8pm. All MC students, faculty, staff, and their families and friends are invited! Admission is $5 at the door for both skaters/non-skaters. The basic skate rental is an additional $3.50. All proceeds go to the Monroe Central Scholarship Fund. We hope to see you there!

Good morning, Bear Nation! Mrs. Smiley’s Education 201 (Technology in Education) class is creating school culture and etiquette videos, and we need high school students to be a part of them! If you’re interested in acting in these videos, sign-up sheets are posted around the school. Have questions? Message Mrs. Smiley on Schoology. Don’t miss this chance to be on camera and make a difference! Go Bears!

If you are looking for something to do on spring break, Special Olympics is looking for volunteers for the Special Olympics basketball sectionals that will be held on Saturday March 22nd, from 8:30AM to 4PM. The Sectional tournament will be held at Monroe Central High School. Special Olympics is looking for volunteers in various opportunities such as being a referee, score keeping, runners, clean up, concessions, etc. If you’re interested in volunteering, all day or half day, please send Mrs. Wines a message through Schoology or see her in room 144 to sign up.  

There will be a junior high “Save your Sweetheart for Spring Semi-Formal” on Saturday, April 5th from 7-9 pm in the high school cafeteria. Cost is $6/person. Doors open at 6:45. There will be music, couples or friendship photos, selfie photo booth, group dances, games, and misc door prizes!! There will be a chocolate and cheese fountain, and snacks and refreshments for a small fee. Please fill out a dance request form if you’re bringing a student from another school. Forms are due back to the office by Wednesday, April 2nd. 

There will be a blood drive on April 10, 2025 in the high school gym from 9:00am – 12pm. If you donate you will receive an awesome t-shirt! Seniors who have tried to donate at least 3 times during their high school years will receive a red cord to wear at graduation. Please scan the code on the fliers around the school to sign up or click on the following link:

Juniors: Interested in getting a jump start on preparations for college? Sign up for a visit to IUE for their Junior Preview Day on April 10th from 8:30-1:30. This visit will give you tools to learn more about what colleges around the state are looking for in the college admissions process, talk with real college students about their experiences, and gain useful information related to upcoming Indiana Hot Jobs. Lunch, a t-shirt, and other fun prizes are included. Spots are limited to first come, first served. Sign up in Student Services or see Mrs. Moran with any questions.

Do you have a picture from a school event that you want to share? Please share it with the Yearbook Club! Your photos could be used in this year’s yearbook.  

Use this QR code with your cell phone to go to the app. Fill out your information in the app. Upload your pictures! 

If you are interested in playing a sport in college, you need to create an account with NAIA or NCAA depending on the division the college is associated with. If you have any questions about creating an account, see Mr. Veatch or Mrs. Moran for help. 

Please fill out the Chartwells school meals report card! Take the survey and help make mealtime even better. It’s quick, anonymous and open now! Go to

5 Star Driver Education is offering driver education. Stop by the office to pick up an information sheet or go to

After school tutoring will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4pm in room 115 or 118.

Sport Events


Saturday Sport Events

Varsity Track @ Indiana Wesleyan – 10am

Boys Varsity Basketball Regional – MC vs. Daleville @ New Castle Fieldhouse – 4pm

Lunch Menu

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