Daily Announcements 05/06/2022
There will be a football picture after school today from 3:15-4pm for last year’s varsity team.
The JH Cheer tryouts will be tonight @ 6pm.
Attention 7th & 8th grade girls softball players – Jr high softball packets and sign up sheets are in the office for you this week. Please grab a packet and fill out the sign up sheet even if you attended the meeting earlier this year. Practices start next Tuesday at the HS diamond at 5:30pm.
Prom will be on Saturday, May 14th, 2022 from 8pm-11pm at The Wedding Factory in Albany, IN. Venue doors open at 7:45pm and will close at 8:30pm. Tickets will be available in the front office or at lunch. Cost: $35.00 for a singles ticket & $50.00 for a couples ticket.
Grand March will take place before prom and begin at 4pm here at MC. Doors will open at 3:15pm. Please fill out the Grand March Student List available in Schoology. Each class (Juniors & Seniors) will find the link within your own Schoology class groups. Thank you! This will help with collecting names for that afternoon.
The FFA Floriculture Team is making boutonnieres and bouquets for all juniors and seniors going to prom. These will be artificial flowers so you can keep them as a keepsake forever. Sign up in the office and talk to Becky, Mr Weiler, or Mrs Thornburg for pricing!
Reminder to all students – we are still doing a 4th quarter grade challenge. Your name will be put in for a drawing for every grade that you improve (or keep an A) between the 3rd quarter and 4th quarter. Let’s finish the school year off strong!
EDMENTUM STUDENTS: ALL Edmentum discussions will be due by May 13th and Unit Activities will be due by May 20th. All computer-graded tests will be due the last day of school, May 26th. No discussions or unit activities will be graded after this date. If you don’t finish your course with a passing grade by May 26th, you will be asked to attend summer school to finish or start the course over again next school year.
Monroe Central will be hosting IHSAA sports physicals this June with Dr. Lumpkin. We have two dates available but will fill the June 9th date first before using the June 16th date. The cost is $20 and must be paid when signing up with Mrs. Murray in the HS office.
Sport Events
Saturday Sport Events
Varsity Boys Golf Randolph County Tourney @ Union City – 9am
Varsity Baseball Randolph County Tourney @ MC – 9am
Varsity Softball Randolph County Tourney @ MC – 10am
Lunch Menu
Steamed Broccoli
Fresh Veggies
Fruit & Milk