Daily Announcements 10/15/2020
Saturday the state 4-H/FFA livestock skill-a-thon contest was held at Danville with Monroe Central sending a senior team and a junior team. The senior FFA team of Gracie Lee, Krystal Richman, Maddy Friend, and Kristin Northcutt placed 22nd of 50 teams with Gracie coming in 42nd out of 184 individuals! The junior team of Max Wagner, Shyan Bennett, and Camryn Friend placed 13th of 27 teams with Max placing 5th overall of 73 individuals. Good job everyone!
7th and 8th grade boys basketball tryouts will begin Monday Oct 26th thru Wed Oct 28th in the Hall gym. They will run from after school until 5pm. Make sure you have your physical on file.
The class elections are open on Schoology for grades 10-12. Freshmen do not need to vote. Please vote by the end of the school day (2:35) on Friday.
Friday is Pajama Day!! Wear your favorite PJ’s to support MC’s Quiz Bowl Team. An office helper will collect your $1 donation during 1st hour. Thanks for your support!
Please check the lost and found table by the office. All unclaimed items will be removed Friday afternoon.
There are applications for Sickels Christmas Tree Farm in the office.
Archery sign up sheets are in the office. Application deadline is October 16th.
Any High School student interested in honoring our MC Alumni who have served in the Armed Forces, please contact Mr. Ferguson or Max Bradley. We have started a Military Honor Wall Group, with the goal of building a Memorial Wall to publicly recognize all of our MC Veterans. We need your help in contacting alumni, and recruiting the support of local businesses.
The Class of 2023 will be hosting a “Howl-O-Ween ” Pet Parade on October 31st. Registration will begin @ 12:30pm and the parade will begin @1:00pm. We will need 10 – Class of 2023 student volunteers to help with the event. Check your Schoology Group message to see what areas you are needed. Message Mrs. Landis or Becky if you can help. We need you to bring these two items to school by Friday October 23rd: a bag of candy and dog treats. We will be making treat bags for the owners & their pets to hand out that day. You can drop off these items to Becky in the front office. It will take place rain or shine! Thank you for volunteering.
Reminder: Only 1 week left to order your Spiritwear from the Monroe Central Scholarship Fund Online store! Deadline to order is Monday, October 19, 2020.
Don’t miss out on the great prices! All profits go towards scholarships for our Seniors!
Click here to order:
**Please note that if you do not have a Student name to put in the required field on the ordering form, just put “N/A”. Please let me know if there are any other questions. Thank you for your support!!!! Go Bears!!
It’s Socktober! You can help make this a warmer winter for our friends in need! The Monroe Central Anchor Club is collecting new socks to donate to The Journey Home in Winchester throughout the month of October. If you are interested in donating socks, please let an Anchor know. Socks may also be taken to the box in Mr. Benken’s room, 107. Thank you!
Sport Events
Baked Turkey & Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Fruit & Milk