Daily Announcements 4/30/2021
These are the dress up days for Homecoming next week:
Monday: Team Day
Tuesday: Blizzard Beach Day
Wednesday: What not to wear Wednesday
Thursday: Pixar/Disney Day
Friday: Crazy Brown and Gold Day
On Saturday, April 24th, the Indiana FFA held state CDE contests at Central 9 Career Center. MC had participants in both the state small gas engines contest and the state floriculture contest. Our Floriculture team consisted of Maddy Friend, Kristin Northcutt, Gracie Lee, and Catherine Duncan. They had to do flower ID, making floral arrangements, and talking about growing procedures. This was their first year competing in this competition and they were very nervous. However, they pulled through and got 4th out of 13 teams in the state. Congratulations, to all of these girls we are very proud of them!
The team of Zach Lee & Lane Anderson participated the same day in the state small engines contest. They had to complete a segment on tool and engine part ID, use a service manual, take a general knowledge engine exam, complete several mechanical skill stations, and assemble an 8 hp small engine. Congratulations to the team in their competition as the first team ever to compete at the state level from MC!
Today is your last day to buy prom tickets. Couples are $50 and singles $30. Prom will be on May 15 at Barn Thirty-Eight in New Castle from 8-11pm. Grand March will be at Monroe Central High School at 4pm. Students, if you plan on bringing a guest from a different school, please make sure to fill out a dance request form. Edmentum virtual students are being permitted to go to prom if they are a junior or senior or the guest of a junior or senior.
Attention Junior class – We need at least 3 boys and 3 girls to be involved in next week’s class lip sync competition. We also need song suggestions. If you have a suggestion or want to be involved text Missy Brown at 765-730-4311.
The FFA will be selling chicken and pork chop dinner tickets. The meal will be picked up May 6th. This will be the same night as the county track meet. If you are interested in buying tickets ahead of time please let Mrs. Thornburg, Mr. Weiler or ask an FFA member to buy a ticket!
MCHS BEAR KEY CHAINS!! Purchase your key chains in the JAG room (142) or in the office, 1 for $2.50 or 2 for $4.00.
Masks need to be worn at all times covering both your mouth and your nose except for when eating or drinking. By doing so, contact tracing becomes more minimized.
Hats and hoods should not be worn anywhere in the building. Hats should be left in lockers during the school day.
As we approach warmer weather, it’s important that students revisit the dress code in the student handbook to make sure that they dress appropriately for school.
Teachers have been directed to refer violators to administration for possible disciplinary consequences.
Sport Events
Varsity Track @ Northeastern Knight Invite – 5pm
Varsity Baseball @ Eastern Hancock – 5:30pm
JH Track MEC @ MC – 5:30pm
Saturday Sport Events
Varsity Boys Baseball @ Rock Hollow Hall of Fame Tournament – 10am
Lunch Menu
French Toast Sticks
Potato Wedges
Fruit & Milk
(No salads this week)