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Daily Announcements 8/18/2021

FFA – Members if you still need a mum sale form, you can pick one up in the Ag Shop. The forms are due back by August 24th.

Join the FCA for donuts, dodgeball and fellowship this Friday at 10:20 in Hall Gym. Everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you!

The Class of 2023 – we need 2 liter bottles of pop for our Community Day fundraiser. Please bring it to the library by this Friday.

Any student 9-12 interested in running for their class student council or class officer needs to send a schoology message to Mrs. Van Pelt by the end of the day, August 19. It should include your name, grade, and position you want to run for.

Attention All Students: It’s time to start practicing your smiles! School picture day is Thursday, August 26th. If you haven’t gotten package forms yet, you can get one from the main office or from your English teacher. Please be sure to give the forms to your parents, and remember, EVERYONE, even Seniors, will get pictures taken on August 26th for the yearbook, even if you DON’T want to purchase a picture package. See Ms. Barton in room 108 if you have any questions.

The Lady Bears golf team was defeated by Winchester and Richmond Tuesday evening. The young Bear team will play in the MC Invitational on Saturday at Hickory Hills at 9 am. Highlights for the evening Maleigh Ervin had her personal best and Ariana Poe also shot her personal best.

Sport Events

Lunch Menu
Salisbury Steak & Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Hot Roll
Fruit & Milk

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