Daily Announcements 01/03/2024
Any high school FFA member interested in the FFA small engines CDE, a meeting will be held Wed. 1/3 (today). Afterschool a FFA scholarship and state degree work session will be held from 3:15 - 4:30 pm. The girls and…
Any high school FFA member interested in the FFA small engines CDE, a meeting will be held Wed. 1/3 (today). Afterschool a FFA scholarship and state degree work session will be held from 3:15 - 4:30 pm. The girls and…
The girls and boys County Basketball Tournament will be held at Union (Modoc) on January 3rd-6th, 2024. Presale all session tickets are being sold from December 11th-20th in the high school office from 8am-3pm and on January 3rd from 8am-noon…
The girls and boys County Basketball Tournament will be held at Union (Modoc) on January 3rd-6th, 2024. Presale all session tickets are being sold from December 11th-20th in the high school office from 8am-3pm and on January 3rd from 8am-noon…
On Tuesday, December 19 student drivers may arrive at school at 9:00am if they do not need to attend their study hall period. This will be counted as an excused absence.
Recently the state FFA crops and entomology CDEs were held at Purdue University. The following students participated and placed. In entomology, Zoie Hood placed 10th in the senior 4-H division. Our crops teams of junior division members Leah Rice, Hayden…
The girls and boys County Basketball Tournament will be held at Union (Modoc) on January 3rd-6th, 2024. Presale all session tickets are being sold from December 11th-20th in the high school office from 8am-3pm and on January 3rd from 8am-noon…
Cadet teachers will still go to the Elementary during finals. Jostens will be here during lunch on Tuesday, December 19th, to deliver class rings and for any last minute senior orders. The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards deadline has been…
The Fine Arts Academic Team will have a meeting after school today until 3:30pm. Any student who is interested in being on the team is welcome to attend. There will be a call-out meeting for our Bring Change to Mind…
The Fine Arts Academic Team will have a meeting after school on Wednesday until 3:30pm. Any student who is interested in being on the team is welcome to attend. There will be a call-out meeting for our Bring Change to…
Attention Students and Staff! Get ready to spread some holiday cheer and cozy vibes because we're turning Friday, December 15, 2023, into a Christmas Pajama Extravaganza! For just $1, you can ditch the traditional school attire and swap it for…