Daily Announcements 12/08/2023
Due to low participation in donations for the food drive the rewards (bear bar & capri sun) will not be given unless we reach a goal of 300 cans of food donated. Please join the competition and donate towards the…
Due to low participation in donations for the food drive the rewards (bear bar & capri sun) will not be given unless we reach a goal of 300 cans of food donated. Please join the competition and donate towards the…
As of Wednesday, the Food Drive competition results are: 9th grade in the lead overall... 8th grade is beating 7th grade 9th grade is beating 10th grade 11th grade is beating 12th grade On Dec. 18th, Monroe Central FFA will…
As of Tuesday, the Food Drive competition results are: 9th grade in the lead overall 7th grade is beating 8th grade 9th grade is beating 10th grade 11th grade is beating 12th grade After School tutoring will only be until…
The Monroe Central FCA is selling FCA T-shirts for $15 each. Everyone is welcome to get a shirt, even your parents, siblings, and grandparents. Order forms will be in the office and are due with money on Friday, December 15…
This past Saturday, the district 9 FFA welding contest was held at Connersville. Monroe Central had 6 participants - the team of Austin Schneider and Jacee Lounsbury for the beginning division of arc welding, Clay Smith and Peyton Farmer in…
There will be a high school Art Club meeting today at the beginning of study hall in the art room. Senior Shirt Information is posted in Schoology - students can order individually via the link. The shirts will be delivered…
All high school students are invited to the Science Club Christmas party on Tuesday, December 4th from 3:15-5 pm. The party activity will be each student making their own holiday ornament for their tree at home using chemical reactions. Christmas…
Help Save a Life! Sign up to donate blood on December 1st. If you have any difficulty signing up, please contact Mrs. Ulrey in room 146. https://www.donortime.com/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/70663 The MCCTA (Mrs. Van Pelt) will be selling granola bars instead of beef…
There will be a call-out meeting for any high school student interested in participating in this year's Poetry Out Loud program. The meeting will be on Tuesday, November 28th during study hall in Mrs. Braswell's room. Help Save a Life!…
There will be a call-out meeting for any high school student interested in participating in this year's Poetry Out Loud program. The meeting will be on Tuesday, November 28th during study hall in Mrs. Braswell's room. Help Save a Life!…